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The Bitter Black

The Bitter Black

Yes, this may sound too cheesy, too crazy, too radical, too arrogant and whatever it may appear as but The Bitter Black is an intelligent young African man who happens to disagree with conventional ideas and critically observes the world and challenges the status quo, facts, non-fiction (truth), philosophy, and other interesting findings from prehistory to the latest trends. He seeks to challenge scholars, academia, experts, and general society locally and globally on topics that are controversial and anything that is based on “supposed” facts. He does this in a way that is respectful, professional and fun through his writing, videos, podcasts and photographs. By providing information that is contradictory to what is being predominantly believed, he encourages debate in aims to prove what is true.

The Bitter Black is a blog that developed from years of conversations and “arguments” that lead to frustrations and ultimately the decision to start writing his opinions in a way that will aid people to best understand his thoughts and to drive discussion but more than anything help people to understand that his opinions though they might appear at first glance as cynical, ignorant, crazy and many other negative things that people he has had conversations with have labeled them, when put clearly into words, can become much easier to comprehend.

For example his opinion on formal educational institutions and how they are just posers and how graduates generally don’t learn anything than just to remember facts and produce them in a test or examination, not much emphasis is done to help people understand what education is all about, not what is means or what it can do for their economical or social status. The Bitter Black says “ You find many graduates and scholars just go straight into the job market, what have they learnt that they apply daily or frequently? “. Maybe this may sound ignorant , okay let me give you perspective. Take someone who has studied in a field for over a minimum of seven years or thirty years without challenging anything in the books or even contributing to the field. Someone who has an honors in economics but cannot even come up with economic solutions for his own home or his own family?

So those are some of the questions that The Bitter Black asks himself and the reason is because a lot of institutions have become hatcheries that manufacture obedient workers and release a bunch of cheque collectors that don’t even think critically. These people are in the end the people who make the country what it is today. So The Bitter Black is here to drive conversations about these kind of topics and this is just an introduction.

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